Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Change in Plans

Bro. Raymond Papenfuss, CSC of Indiana writes -

When I went to Ghana in 1959 my idea was to spend the rest of my life working in Africa. I fell in love with the people, the country—everything! I even got to like the hot weather and above 90% humidity. As far as I was concerned the course of my life had been set and I was quite happy with it, thank you.

Then in 1987 I had an attack of cerebral malaria which nearly killed me. I returned to the States and was told it would be foolish for me to return to Africa. To say I was unhappy would not be even close to the truth. My superiors then asked me if I would be willing to work for Africa from this side of the ocean and I immediately said, “Yes.” I started to raise money for projects in Ghana and discovered that I had a bit of talent for this work. As I look back over the past 22 years, I can see that it was more important for our work in Ghana for me to be here in the States.

Does God have a sense of humor! Bottom line is that we are all “simple instruments.” We just don’t always understand how we are being used. And that’s alright. The path we start down may have many turns and an end that surprises us. But God is in charge and we simply have to be as good an instrument as we can.

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