Friday, February 26, 2010

Finding New Life in South America

Bro. Tom Giumenta, CSC of New York writes -

I was really feeling  quite comfortable and content just as I was on that day he brought it up.  I had exclusive use of a new car, I had a very good job which I liked a great deal, I had friends around and I was living in the great city of New York. 
But the Provincial Superior came to visit one cold evening in the winter of 1992 and asked if I would consider going to Chile for a period of 3 years.  At first it sounded somewhat interesting but giving up all that I had was hardly attractive.  I was invited to visit Chile in December 1992 and the experience truly surprised me.

I indeed felt that working in South America made a great deal of sense to my vision of a religious vocation.  During my 11 years in Chile, I can honestly say that although the experience wasn’t always easy, I never thought seriously about returning to the United States.  I came to understand God as the Author of challenge and Giver of many favors and graces.  So I began to seek more challenges.  In 2005, I had the opportunity to begin serving the very poor in Canto Grande, a seriously depressed section on the outskirts of Lima.  Once again, I received far more that I ever gave because God’s generosity can never be outdone.  Finding new life is indeed available.  One needs to listen and respond to Him who lives in the heart.

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